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Translation rates per word

ranslation is rated per word and  its can vary taking into account of the terminology. therefore the technical word rating will a little be higher than the non-technical like administration, health and safety etc.

The formatting service can also be offered when requested by the customer,. the formatting is rated per page and it is performed as per international standards,

We do not only do translation,  we go beyond syntax to get a better understanding of their working context to be reflected on material we are translation.  Please upload your documents  below, describe the content of the document and submit it. a quotation will be sent to you in 24 hours from the submission date. 

"We go beyond Translation to meet our client expectation"
Available Translation Options

Note: Always ensure that the text in the source language is effectively designed and meaningful. the more it is understandable in the source language,  the more will it be in the target language.

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